Park owner address line 2:
4-6 Dalton Square, Lancaster, Lancashire
Park owner postal code:
Park owner phone number:
01524 481153
Number of residential plots:
BH & HPA member?:
NCC Member?:
Park description
From City of Plymouth take A38 'The Parkway' W to the roundabout, go N on the A386 'Tavistock road' for 4m, turn R on the B3492 Plymbridge Road. Take 4th road L that will be 'Glenfield Road'. Glenholt Park is 400yd straight ahead. There are shops, PO and a doctors surgery a short walk away and the local hospital is nearby. For those who like to travel a little further afield, regular buses stop at the site. Some Pets Allowed. Resident Manager. GS.