Park owner address line 1:
Oaktree Park - Site Office
Park owner address line 2:
Locking, Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset
Park owner postal code:
BS24 8RG
Park owner phone number:
01934 823288
Number of residential plots:
BH & HPA member?:
NCC Member?:
Park description
From Taunton/Ilminster: take the first exit to Honiton off the A30. Turn L at the top of the slip road, and L again into Northcote Road. Keep L. Over 50's only. Dogs and other pets (max 2) are accepted at the park owers? discretion but may not be replaced. The coastal resort of Sidmouth is just 8m away. The park has beautiful views over the river Otter and the Blackdown Hills. Resident Manager.